Family Ministries

Christian Formation for All Ages:
As well as programs to prepare us for baptism, communion, confirmation, and marriage, we offer regular and seasonal programs for all ages. 

Children enjoy hearing the bible stories in an age-appropriate way in Sunday School (11 a.m.) (from September until June) with activities that help them respond to the teaching. A child-friendly area has been prepared in our worship space so that our youngest worshipers can crawl, build a tower, and color during the service. Children are invited to proceed to Sunday School after a children’s message with our Priest at the front of the church. They return to their families just prior to communion so that they may receive the sacrament with you. If it is better for your child to remain with you, that is perfectly fine.  

Teenagers are invited to participate in parish life in a way that is right for them.  Preparation for this involvement is offered. Some teens (and adults) enjoy the ministry of an acolyte (server) assisting the Priest and Lay Reader during worship. Other young people prefer to work with younger children assisting Sunday School teachers or volunteering at the Family Movie Nights. Some older children have chosen to help the Chancel Guild care for the vessels and linens used in worship. Others read the bible passages for the day or sing with the choir. Just as adults have gifts unique to them which they offer to God through the church, so do teens and children.

Bible-studies, book club, Feasting on the Word, Lenten/Advent programs and devotions are part of Adult Faith Formation, our Discipleship. Resources to take home for your own use are offered or recommended. For those looking to gather with others, programs are planned as series or special events at varying times of day/year. If you would like to create a program for your own use at home, our Priest is more than willing to assist you.